Meet Vickie

Embracing Community and Connection: Unveiling Vickie's Journey at The ADL Store

A BizVoice interview with Vickie Fitzpatrick

Meet Vickie

“The people here are so friendly, and I enjoy that, despite the small-town feel, Summerside has so many amenities.” – Vickie Fitzpatrick


1. How long have you been living and working in Summerside?

I was born and raised in the Summerside area. I’ve lived and worked here all my life.


2. What was your journey to landing as a sales clerk at the ADL Store?

I worked for PEI Family Violence Prevention Services for several years. When I was ready for a change, I
decided to apply to ADL since it is a beloved Island brand and they have a great reputation as an
employer. I originally started as the front desk customer service representative at ADL’s Foodservice
division. When ADL Foods added The ADL Store, I was given the opportunity to work at the store full-


3. Tell us one of your most memorable experiences while working at the ADL Store?

I have had many memorable experiences in my seven years with ADL, but the one that stands out the
most is the level of support that I received from my colleagues and management when my mother
passed away a few years ago.


4. What would be a fun fact that most people wouldn’t know about working for the ADL Store?

A fun fact that we’re very proud of is that ADL is a co-operative that’s 100 per cent owned by PEI’s dairy
farmers. Another fun fact is that the ADL Foodservice warehouse is 60,000 square feet. It houses over
4,400 unique products (some of which we sell at The ADL Store) and services a wide range of PEI
foodservice customers including our local Summerside restaurants, dairy bars, schools, health
institutions, and rinks.


5. What is the work culture like at the ADL Store?

The ADL Store is a great place to work. Islanders are always so supportive of ADL. It’s great to interact
with customers that are so passionate about our brand, including ADL’s farmer-owners who often shop
at the store. The work culture at The ADL Store is very collaborative. Since the store is connected to ADL
Foods, there’s always other ADL staff willing to lend a hand should we need it.


6. Why did you choose Summerside to live and work? 

I have always loved PEI. I can’t think of anywhere else I would want to live and raise my family. The
people here are so friendly, and I enjoy that, despite the small-town feel, Summerside has so many
amenities. I take pride in offering our renowned Island hospitality to all customers who visit The ADL


7. What is one business that you wish Summerside had?

I love to shop local whenever I can. I’m a foodie who loves fashion, so I have to say more women’s
clothing stores and restaurants.

8. If someone was thinking about moving to live and work in Summerside, what advice would you give them?

I would advise them to consider applying to work at ADL. There are plenty of opportunities within the cooperative, and ADL is a cornerstone of the Summerside community and beyond. Also, don’t forget to try ADL’s 2-year-old cheddar – it might just become your new favorite cheese!


Pop into the ADL Store today!


Posted in BizVOICE, Uncategorized.

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