Message From Our GSCC President

To the membership of the GSCC
During these unprecedented times, it is more important than ever for us as a community to continue to support each other, especially our vulnerable populations, as we move together toward what is certain to be a new reality
This evening the provincial government outlined the most recent measures to support local businesses impacted by COVID-19, including: 
  • Emergency Income Relief for the self-employed, which will provide $500 per week lump sum for self-employed Islanders, delivered through Innovation PEI; and
  • Emergency Working Capital Financing, which will provide support for small businesses through a capital loan of up to $100,000 with a fixed interest rate of 4% per annum, to be delivered through Finance PEI.
It is imperative for our members to continue to reach out to Chamber staff as well as the Emergency Support Contingency Fund for Businesses toll free number 1-866-222-1751 to make sure your needs and current situations are being documented. The more information we have, the better we can advocate on your behalf. This information is also crucial for the government and the department of Innovation to insure the supports they provide match the needs of our business community.  
The GSCC is and will continue to update the relevant COVID 19 list of important notices, announcements and contact numbers, on our website and social media channels.   
Be safe and take care of each other
Pam Schurman Montgomery
President of the Greater Summerside Chamber of Commerce
Posted in NEWS.