2020 Small Business Week Workshops and Events!

Small Business Week is fast approaching! During this week, the GSCC membership comes together to celebrate, learn, and network with each other. Visit our website to find out what events are taking place; most are free to attend!


Oct 20th, 9-10AM – Webinar Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89917790193?pwd=R0ZUblNxUjVoSTV2Z0FKeUdVdGN6Zz09

You are invited to join the GSCC and Occupational Health and Safety for a virtual workplace safety session. This session will start off with a general review of the responsibilities an EMPLOYER has with regard to keeping their workers safe in the workplace and will include a review of the following components of Workplace Safety:

*Internal Responsibility System

*Workers’ Responsibilities

*Due Diligence

*Hazard Identification

*Your Occupational Health and Safety Program

*Requirements for Compliance in your Organization

Oct 21st, 1-2:30PM – REGISTER HERE

Everyone across the country is desperately trying to figure out how to ensure the success of their local businesses and the community in which they live. There is no simple answer to what the future will look like and how that success can be found, but that doesn’t mean there is nothing to be done.

Join us for this virtual event where Doug and Heather from 13 Ways will help our business community understand HOW the world is changing, WHY it is changing, and provide practical examples of what your business, your team, and your community can do to adapt to that change.

Oct 22nd, 9-10AM – REGISTER HERE

Virtual Speed Networking

This is a fun and effective way to make some new connections in a short amount of time. Break out into zoom rooms with other business professionals and expand your network!

Oct 23rd, 9-10AM – REGISTER HERE

Small Business Stories: Resilience amid COVID-19
Hear from three small businesses who are coping with challenges facing many entrepreneurs due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Find out how they have, and continue to, adjust, adapt and transform.
Patti Gallant – Rainbow Daycare Early Years Centre
Zenaida Saldanha – Z&G’s Specialty Fusion Cuisine
Ellen Darys Velez – Soul Play

Oct 30th, 9-10:30AM – REGISTER HERE

Breakfast with the Premier

Premier Dennis King will be giving his second economic talk to the Greater Summerside Chamber of Commerce membership at Credit Union Place. Please note** This breakfast was originally scheduled for October 23rd, and has been rescheduled to October 30th.


Thank you to our Sponsors

Posted in NEWS.